When Will a Puush Upload Be Removed After Deleting

Every developer has deleted the incorrect file from their project at to the lowest degree once. It tin can either be a hastily executed`rm -rf` control, or an absent-minded select and delete, or maybe the outcome of an erroneous script. Whatever the reason, deleting an of import file can be troublesome if not fixed immediately. When working with a team, accidentally deleting a file and then pushing it upstream can be catastrophic for other squad members who pull the changes. Depending on the file, either they'll go an mistake direct abroad, or in the worst case, the error will pop upward somewhere downwardly the line—maybe in some not-then-obvious place—at which indicate, it might be hard to effigy out the exact crusade.

And so, now that you have accidentally deleted a file, or files, how practise you recover them? Since Git is a version control system, it has features to coil back a single file to a previous version, including deleted files.

In this tutorial, nosotros'll look at three ways to recover a deleted file: using the Git command line, using GitHub's web and app UI, and using a full-scale fill-in solution with BackHub.

You can follow along with this tutorial past cloning the demo repository.

Recovering Deleted Files with the Command Line

Recovering a deleted file using the Git command line involves the `git restore` or `git checkout`command. Whenever you modify files in Git—including creating new files, editing, or deleting existing files—the changes beginning every bit unstaged. And so you lot stage the changes with the `git add` command, and finally, you commit the changes using the `git commit` command. Git provides ways to recover a deleted file at any bespeak in this life cycle of changes.

If you lot have non staged the deletion yet, simply run`git restore <filename>` and the file volition be restored from the alphabetize.

A screenshot showing the git restore command.

If you take staged the changes, however, running `git restore` will throw an error, since the file does non be in the index anymore.

A screenshot of the git restore command throwing a error.

In this instance, you lot need to run`git restore --staged --worktree <filename>`. The`--staged` statement tells`git` to restore the file in the index from Caput, and the`--worktree` argument tells Git to restore the working tree as well.

A screenshot showing the git restore command with a properly staged worktree.

If you have deleted the file and already committed the changes, y'all need to use the `git checkout` command to restore the file. First, you demand to find out the checksum of the commit that deleted the file, and then bank check out the file from the previous commit.

In the demo repo,`file1.txt` has already been deleted and committed. Let's recover that file. To effigy out which commit deleted`file1.txt`, you need to use the`git rev-list` command:


git rev-list Head -north 1 -- file1.txt


Screenshot showing git rev-list

This command tells `git` to listing all commits, which can be reached from the HEAD, that changed the file`file1.txt`. The`-northward 1` selection tells`git` to limit the outcome to only one commit. The output is the checksum of the commit that deleted the file. You tin can check that this is the offending commit past using the `git show` control with the checksum –

Screenshot showing git show

The commit before this i is the concluding commit where this file was nowadays. You can restore the file from that particular commit by running the following command. The`^` at the end of the commit hash tells Git to fetch the commit before this 1:


git checkout 3d5210ddd8632d539ed3f5e362dc047ed508a510^ file1.txt


Screenshot showing git checkout

Pros and Cons of Using the Control Line

This method is the quickest to perform since you only need access to the command line. All the same, it requires y'all to run different commands depending on your situation. Besides, it might not be the easiest to master, and some developers may prefer a more than visual arroyo.

Using the GitHub Desktop App

If yous are more comfortable with a graphical interface, you can use the GitHub Desktop, which is available for macOS and Windows. Similar to the previous case, at that place are two scenarios: i where you have not committed the deletion, and 1 where y'all have.

Any changes you make in your repository will bear witness up in the staging surface area in the left sidebar of the app. There you can discard the changes, which works similar to the`git restore` command. If you have non yet committed the deletion, y'all can use this characteristic to speedily recover the deleted file.

Become ahead and delete`file5.txt` from the repository and come up back to GitHub Desktop. You should see the deletion in the staging surface area.

Screenshot showing the unstaged changes

You tin right-click on the change and click onDiscard changes.

Screenshot showing discard changes menu

You lot will be asked for confirmation. Once confirmed, the modify will be discarded and the deleted file will be dorsum in its place.

Screenshot showing the confirmation dialog

If you lot have already committed the change, you need to know the commit hash of the offending commit. In that location is no way to practise that from the GitHub desktop app, so you need to use the command line and run the`git rev-list` control we discussed earlier.

Just like earlier, let'due south restore the already deleted`file1.txt`. First, you lot demand to know the hash of the commit that deleted the file:


$ git rev-list HEAD -northward 1 -- file1.txt



In the app, the commits are listed with their names, not hashes. In order to know the name of the commit, you lot need to run`git show` control with the commit hash:


git show 3d5210ddd8632d539ed3f5e362dc047ed508a510


Screenshot showing the name of the commit

The name of the commit is "Add file4." Adjacent, locate this commit in theHistory tab in the app.

Screenshot locating the commit in the history tab

Correct-click on the commit and selectRevert changes in commit.

Screenshot showing the revert changes menu

This will revert the offending commit and create a new commit.

Screenshot showing the new commit

Pros and Cons of Using GitHub Desktop App

This method is insufficiently easier than using the command line and a ameliorate choice if you lot're comfortable with graphical interfaces. However, it has the following disadvantages:

  • The desktop app is only available for Windows and macOS. If you lot're using Linux so you won't exist able to use this method.
  • If y'all have already committed the deletion, this method becomes cumbersome since you demand to use the command line to observe the commit name and then search through the history in the app to locate the commit.
  • Information technology is non possible to check out only the required file from the commit using this method. Yous demand to revert the entire commit, which means any other changes fabricated past the commit will be reverted as well.

Using the GitHub Web UI

If yous take committed the deletion and pushed it to GitHub, it is possible to recover a deleted file using the GitHub Spider web UI. GitHub lets you scan the commit history and explore the projection at whatsoever point in history, which then allows you to view and download whatsoever file.

Permit'southward recover the already deleted`file1.txt` in the repository. Like to the previous arroyo, you demand to know which commit deleted the file, using the`git rev-listing` command explained before. In our case, the commit hash is `3d5210ddd8632d539ed3f5e362dc047ed508a510`.

Open a browser and visit the URL –`https://github.com/<username>/<repo-name>/commits/3d5210ddd8632d539ed3f5e362dc047ed508a510^`. Brand certain to supersede`<username>` and `<repo-name>` to point to your repository. This volition open the commit earlier the offending commit.

Screenshot showing the commit page

Click onBrowse files and you volition be presented with the projection structure of that particular commit.

Screenshot showing the file structure

Find the file yous desire to restore. In this case`file1.txt`. Open information technology by clicking on information technology.

Screenshot showing the contents of file1.txt

Click on theRaw push button and yous will be presented with a raw text version of the file. You can right-click on the page and selectSave Equally to download the file and relieve information technology to your projection. Now y'all can add it back to your local repo and commit –


git add file1.txt

git commit -one thousand "Reintroduce file1.txt"


Pros and Cons of Using GitHub Web UI

Like to using the app, this method is easier to use than the CLI method because of its graphical interface. You can besides visually browse the repository at any point of your commit history without having to clone or checkout the commit.

The biggest disadvantage of this approach, yet, is that there is no way of selecting and downloading more than than one file. So if you lot have accidentally deleted more than i file, you lot take to download them 1 by i—a fourth dimension-consuming task. Additionally, this method somewhat relies on the command line since you need the command line to figure out the commit hash.

Using a Full Backup

Recovering a deleted file with Git is a insufficiently complex process. Not simply do you have to fiddle with the command line to effort and figure out the commit hashes, only yous besides have to brand sure that the commit you're restoring the file from is indeed the correct 1. If y'all have accidentally deleted more 1 file, restoring them from different commits tin innovate inconsistency into your projection. Using a full backup solution similar BackHub tin salvage you some trouble by backing up the entire repository, thus ensuring a consistent state.

BackHub offers powerful features like nightly snapshots, Amazon S3 sync, bankroll upwards repository metadata (problems, pull requests, wiki, etc.), and the power to clone whatsoever snapshot directly from the BackHub server. Using their full fill-in solution volition ensure yous practise non have to dabble with Git when you accidentally delete one or more than files. Instead, you lot can just restore from a nightly backup. Even better, you can restore a deleted repository in but a few clicks if you happen to accidentally delete 1.

Let's learn the process of installing BackHub and restoring files from the backup.

Installing BackHub

BackHub plans outset from $12 per month. You tin sign up for a free trial from the installation folio. After signing upwards, you'll be directed to an install screen that sets upward permissions with your GitHub account. Here you can select which repositories you want to dorsum upward using BackHub. You can either chooseAll repositories to support all of your projects or individually select every bit many equally you like. If you cullAll repositories, any new repository you create on GitHub will automatically be backed upwards.

From there, you lot need to sign in to GitHub and authorize BackHub to finish the installation. One time you render to your BackHub dashboard, you should see a listing of backed-up repositories.

Screenshot of the BackHub dashboard

From this point onward, BackHub will go on nightly backups of the repositories. The snapshots are stored for thirty days, but up to 1 twelvemonth (365 days) of storage is available for enterprise plans. You tin can as well connect an S3 bucket in the settings if you'd like to preserve the snapshots indefinitely.

Restoring a Full Fill-in

Let's go over the steps of restoring a deleted file with BackHub.

Starting time, let'due south delete a file and button.


rm file5.txt

git commit -am "Delete file5.txt"

git push origin main


In the BackHub dashboard, select the repository you'd like to restore.

Screenshot of the selected repo

On the left-hand side, y'all can see the time of the latest backup and the number of snapshots BackHub has created. If this is a recently added repository, yous will have simply one snapshot of the current version. If the repository was added some fourth dimension ago, you volition have daily snapshots and you can cull the snapshot of any twenty-four hours to restore.

Screenshot of the choose snapshot dialog

Once the snapshot is chosen, click on theDownload Files button. The download will contain a Naught with all the files from the head of the main branch. From there, y'all can easily copy over the deleted file `file5.txt` to your local repository and welcome it dorsum with a commit:


git add file5.txt

git commit -m "Reintroduce file5.txt"



Accidentally deleting important files is every programmer's nightmare. With Git not having an intuitiveundo command, information technology can exist hard to efficiently restore a deleted file.

With a full backup solution ready, however, you can remainder bodacious you lot're able to gainsay whatever issues that might occur because of deleted files. You'll also be able to restore deleted files without event. Having a total backup solution can prove to exist useful in the long run, particularly in critical business software or team-based environments. Bank check out BackHub for one of the best complete backup and restore solutions. Run into it in action yourself: start your free trial of BackHub (now function of Rewind).


Source: https://rewind.com/blog/recovering-deleted-files-in-github/

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